Reddio Technology Blog

Reddio Technology Blog

The news on the most performant parallel EVM Layer 2

Optimizing the timeout issue in Geth when querying large-span sparse logs through KV.

Optimizing the timeout issue in Geth when querying large-span sparse logs through KV.

Before we begin, let's take a look at a request sent to Geth: { "method": "eth_getLogs", "params": [ { "fromBlock": "0x0", "toBlock": "0x120dc53", "address": "0xb62bcd40a24985f560b5a9745d478791d8f1945c", "topics": [ [ "0xcfb473e6c03f9a29ddaf990e736fa3de5188a0bd85d684f5b6e164ebfbfff5d2" ] ] } ], "id": 62, "jsonrpc": "2.0" } The semantics of this request are clear: it searches for logs with the topic "0xcfb473e6c03f9a29dd
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